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Contemplative Park

In 2021 the Hamilton City Council passed an ordinance to create a sacred contemplative park in memory of lynching victims and committed $50,000 and a plot of land to that purpose. The triangle portion of land is located behind Holmes Pharmacy, one block off of Hwy 27 in Hamilton. The former location of the Hamilton train depot was donated by the County and transferred to the City of Hamilton.


The memorial park near the Hamilton town square will be a sacred place for residents and visitors to come together and recognize harms done to both victims and perpetrators, though different in nature, and to reflect upon justice, healing, and unity in the present.


Currently we are reviewing architectural plans and raising money to fund the development of the park. We have involved Tuskegee University School of Architecture students in creating our memorial design.



Future location of the park seen below. 


Overhead Park view.png
Land Plat 2_edited.jpg
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